


アメリカニューヨークで活動するManhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World (核の無い世界のためのマンハッタン・プロジェクト)を始めとするいくつかの団体が、グローバルはがき作戦を311日に開始しました。以下が日本の外の団体向けの呼びかけ文です。もしアジアや環太平洋諸国で活動する団体をご存知でしたら、以下の呼びかけ文を拡散していただけますと嬉しいです。宜しくお願いします。

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World (核の無い世界のためのマンハッタン・プロジェクト)






Dear friends,

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World and other U.S. groups are launching #StopTepco Global Action Campaign to halt the dumping of radioactive wastewater from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility into the Pacific.

Please join our #StopTepco global campaign to demand, “Don’t Nuke the Pacific!”, by sending postcards to 3 key officials in Fukushima (see below for details) who support the radioactive water dumping into the Pacific and demand they halt the outrageous dumping plan! The first deadline is May 1, 2023.

For groups that are interested in coordinating a local campaign to send postcards to Fukushima officials from your communities, we are happy to share some templates of postcard designs. Please download your favorite templates from our website here. (Our templates are based on the U.S. postal rules, so you might need to adjust the size based on your local rules.)


A sender can mail only once to each recipient: Mayor Izawa of Okuma-city, Mayor Yoshida of Futaba-city, and Fukushima Governor Uchibori. If you wish to mail more, ask friends and neighbors to join the postcards campaign.

Write your name and address (or town and country).

Write a brief message in any language in a blank space. Be respectful.

Take photos of your postcards and share them on social media with #s, such as #StopTepco and #NewPlanTepco. Don’t forget to tag us: @mpnuclearfree (Twitter) or @mp.nuclear.free (Instagram and Facebook)

Add postage before mailing to Japan!

Spread the word!

The deadline is May 1.

Addresses of 3 key Fukushima officials:

Mayor Shiro Izawa

Futaba-machi townhall

Machinishi 73-4, Nagatsuka, Futaba-machi

Futaba-gun, Fukushima 979-1495


Mayor Jun Yoshida

Okuma-machi townhall

Minamidaira, Ogawara, Okuma-machi

Futaba-gun, fukushima, 979-1306


Governor Masao Uchibori

Fukushima Prefectural Hall

2-16 Sugitsuma-cho,

Fukushima-city, Fukushima 960-8670


Background info: 

On April 13, 2021, the Japanese government announced that it will start discharging more than 1.3 million metric tons (350 million gallons) of radioactive “treated” wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi into the Pacific starting from the spring of 2023. The dumping will continue for three decades or more. The “treated” water contains radioactive isotopes due to some being used to cool the highly radioactive melted cores of nuclear reactors. Tritium and carbon-14 cannot be filtered out at all. Three independent human rights experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council expressed deep regret at Japan’s decision. Fukushima residents, fisheries associations, most of Fukushima’s districts, and many anti-nuclear groups in and outside Japan expressed their opposition to the plan. Henry Puna, Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, calls for the Japanese government to hold off on any such release.

The dumping practice will set a bad precedent, and other nuclear power plants across the globe might follow the practice.

The dumping of this radioactive wastewater would cause irreparable damage to our planet, and will affect everything from the smallest creatures in the water to our human living conditions and everyday lives.

Join our #StopTepco global campaign to demand “Don’t Nuke the Pacific!” Let’s protect our Ocean! No Nukes!


Japan plans to seek G7 endorsement on discharge of Fukushima treated water (Japan Times)

Fukushima residents feel left out in TEPCO’s water plan (Asahi): The discharge from the underground tunnel might start in spring or summer.

Position Paper by the National Association of Marine Laboratories: Scientific opposition to Japan’s planned release of over 1.3 million tons of radioactively contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean commencing in 2023

The Dangers of Tritium by Dr. Ian Fairlie: https://youtu.be/90tnl7TfkGM

Tritium Expose – Fairewinds Podcast: https://www.fairewinds.org/podcast/tritium-expose

Petition to the Japanese government to halt the dumping plan: https://www.mp-nuclear-free.com/Fukushima/20220803.html

Impact of nuclear testing in the Pacific: https://youtu.be/b7Qocjasw24

Voice from the Pacific Islands Forum: https://www.theguardian.com/.../japan-must-work-with-the...

Thank you!

Mari Inoue

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World





ハガキ作戦 (ドイツからも参加できます!)









福島県知事・内堀雅雄 様

大熊町町長・吉田淳 様

双葉町町長・伊澤史朗 様


・汚染水海洋放出反対、海は世界のもの 薄めたところで毒にかわりはありません。


STOP damping radioactive water to the ocean. Be responsible to keep the ocean clean.

The ocean is for everybody in the world.


最後に、差出人お名前と住所の記入をして投函してください。 切手代 0.95 € (L: 14 - 23,5 cm B: 9 - 12,5 cm



Town Office of Futaba-machi (Futaba-machi Yakuba): Mayor, Mr.Shiro Izawa

Fukushima-ken, Futaba-machi, 979-1495 Japan


Town Office of Okuma-machi (Ookuma-machi Yakuba): Mayor, Mr. Jun Yoshida

Fukushima-ken, Ookuma-machi, 979-1306 Japan


Prefectural Office of Fukushima (Fukushima Kencho): Governor, Mr. Masao Uchibori 

Fukushima-ken Fukushima-shi, 960-8605  Japan  


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